Pinball tournaments is one of the most effective and most exciting ways in reliving the glory days of pinball. Some might think it’s just a game or a hobby. But for these people, it’s something that could be very serious.

Here are the top 3 players pinball players in Australia ranked in the International Flipper Pinball Association and see how their wins and points just prove how much they really deserved these titles.

  1. Steve Edwards

Location: Newcastle

Player Number: 12933

IFPA Ranking: 66th

Steve Edwards is considered the number one player in Australia, being at the top rank of the International Flipper Pinball Association. One of his most important achievements is winning first place on the Australian Pinball Championship. He has also ranked significantly on tournaments like the Newcastle Pinball League Final (1st), The Newy New Years Pinball Smash (1st), and Pinball HQ Tournament (5th). He first started creating buzz when he became a newly crowned champion of the Australian Timezone Supanova Pinball Championship where he also won a brand new Avengers PRO Pinball Machine.


  1. Richard Rhodes

Player Number: 12045

IFPA Ranking: 77th

Richard Rodes is currently placed at second on the IFPA with the Pinball HQ Marathon (placing second) listed as his best tournament. This said marathon is really a test for all pinball players with its very extensive rounds and various challenges. He began playing with pinball machines right when he was in high school and eventually ventured out into joining official tournaments. ”You have to know that you can play it well. If you go into it thinking ‘I’m not sure I’ve got what it takes’, it’s going to be hard to win,” says Rhodes in one of his interviews with The Sydney Morning Herald in 2012.


  1. Peter Watt

Location: New South Wales

Player Number: 15769

IFPA Ranking: 157th

Ranking 3rd on Australia’s IFPA Ranking is Peter Watt with current points of 252.62. His highest scoring tournament is the Australian Pinball Expo Championship wherein he placed first last November 16, 2014. He mentioned in a former interview with Tweed Daily News that playing pinball has always been his hobby and his first successful competition was back when he was only fourteen. He has also been one of Queensland’s topnotch representatives for competing in tournaments like the National Grand Final of the Australian Timezone Supanova Pinball Championship at the Supanova Pop Culture Expo.